Above is a fine old portrait of John Lovell that appears to have been drawn with charcoal and pencil or perhaps filled in
by hand with pencil or charcoal. Below is a Photograph of John Lovell.

Comparing the penciled drawing of John Lovell at the top of the page with the photograph above one can easily see that the
photograph was the inspiration for the drawing. John Lovell died in 1881 so this photograph was taken before 1881, which
means it was at least 122 years old when it was scanned for this website. It is badly faded and deteriorated but was restored
with computer technology.
John Lovell was born 6 March 1812 in Worle, Somerset, England and was christened 7 June 1812 in Worle, Somerset, England.
He died 13 January 1881 in Oak City, Millard, Utah and was buried 14 January 1881 in Oak City, Millard, Utah.
Wives of John Lovell
Click on the link above to be taken to a page with pictures of the wives of John Lovell
Oak City Sunday School Picture 1880
Click on the link above to be taken to a page with a picture of a sunday school class taken in Oak City, Utah in 1880.